Please join us IN PERSON for TLC's monthly networking breakfast at Valencia in Norwalk
Please RSVP to Beth at 203.856.9566 (call/text) or
Looking for a vibrant and growing community of healthy living practitioners and solopreneurs who are committed to living consciously and offering healthy lifestyle opportunities through their businesses and passions.?
We are a relaxed group of professionals offering a supportive community, free networking events, many affordable marketing opportunities, and FUN!
$20/prix fixe menu for all attendees. Gluten free and vegan options available. Come the first time as Beth's guest - and if you find your time with us worthwhile, we invite you to become a TLC Member. TLC Members: Please contact Beth if the $20 is a hardship, and arrangements will be made so you may attend.
So grab a friend, bring your business cards and be prepared for a morning of connection, adventure and don't forget the laughter.
Tribe TLC was founded by Beth Leas in 1997 on the premise that a single candle burns brighter in a gathering.
To find out more about how you can benefit from partnering with Tribe TLC and how to become part of our growing TLC Community, please click here