with Meg Reilly, MS, CH Thursday, 6/22 (And every 4th Thursday of the month).
Meg's June meditation taps into the natural HEALING ENERGY surrounding you. Learn to identify healing, positive energy sources…
· In your physical world – the body, physical space, home, work;
· In your mental spaces – the mind, emotions, feelings, constructs about how things are or should be; and
· In your soul being – the spirit, your true self, the lessons you are learning and sharing, your highest guidance, divinity and life meaning.
As you experience full relaxation under the guidance of soothing imagery and the vibrational healing of the crystal bowl, you benefit just where you need it most, sometimes in surprising and unexpected ways. Come with an open heart and an open mind. Energy flows freely and generously in each session. You will leave feeling deeply soothed, relaxed and revived. Each one-hour session is $30. 7-8pm at TLC Center
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