Monthly ECKANKAR Light and Sound Service - Every month on the 3rd Sunday
Spiritual Design of Life
“When Soul comes into this world and finds the path of ECK, it is part of the carefully planned spiritual design of all the universes. Each individual is special, a spark of God, and has the ability to someday gain the consciousness of God — not to become God, but to gain God Consciousness or God-Realization.” - Harold Klemp, Cloak of Consciousness, Mahanta Transcripts 5, p.176
At the heart of each ECK Light and Sound Service are three keys to uplift you, as Soul, and enhance the experience of divine love:
- a brief, sacred reading from the writings of ECK
- singing HU, a chant-like love song to God, followed by silent contemplation
- an open discussion and exploration of the selected spiritual topic.
Please bring your stories and hear others share theirs — or just come and listen. We welcome you as we tune into God’s divine love!
Presented by students of ECKANKAR, The Path of Spiritual Freedom