This FREE and FUN and relaxing after-work event for friends, fans, clients, and colleagues. It's a social event ONLINE on Friday, January 15th, to meet new people, network, stretch your mind, body and soul and discover new things!
So put on your party dress or fancy pants, make yourself a fabulous drink, serve yourself some snazzy snacks and cozy up with your computer, tablet or phone. And invite your friends!
This is a wonderful opportunity to meet Erika Deutschlander of Scout and Cellar Wines. She will introduce a wine that is better for you, and better for our planet. Going beyond organic, Scout and Cellar Clean-Crafted wine is always free from synthetic pesticides and chemical additives and sweeteners. The result? Wine, as Nature intended. You will taste and feel the difference!
And Free mini sessions too!
Tarot readings with Beth Leas
and much more!
Please RSVP to receive logon info: Beth 203.856.9566 (call/text) or