Join us for our TLC Member Spotlight Morning on Zoom – full of conversation, connection and meet TLC Member Rev. Bill Donaldson for a Forgiveness Meditation.
Bill will lead a deep dive into the practice of Ho'oponopono. It's far more than just saying 4 phrases. There will be a powerful guided meditation to help you release unwanted patterns/emotions and any negative energy you are ready to let go of.
Bill’s life has been a mosaic of experiences - including a CT State Police Officer, Financial Advisor and most recently and Interfaith/Interspiritual Minister.
“Being self-employed, I had only myself to rely on which set me on a journey inward - to discover what it takes to “succeed” in life. Eventually that inward search led me to a spiritual path which I continue to travel today. If you are on this path too, then you know that once you go through the door it closes behind you. There is no turning back. The traveler becomes a seeker: a seeker of purpose, a seeker of Truth, a seeker of God/Universe/Great Mystery/Jesus/Allah/Krishna/Tao or whatever name one gives to the higher power they feel and connect with. Where this path takes me continues to unfold, but what I know is that it’s a path of service - service to God, my fellow sisters and brothers of the world, and to our great Mother Earth and all life upon it. “
Tribe TLC is a network of over 100 healthy living practitioners and entrepreneurs offering services and products as part of our healthy living resource network. We come together to support and network with one another, as well as to provide many marketing opportunities throughout Fairfield County, CT, New Haven County, CT and Westchester County, NY.
Please join us for a fun morning online of meeting, mingling and connecting with some amazing people - online!
RSVP to Beth Leas: Call/text 203.856.9566 or to receive logon information.