Calling all Healthy Living Entrepreneurs and Practitioners! Join us for a FUN TLC Networking Morning with TLC Member Lauri Ingram to learn about Crystal Dreaming in Bethany, CT. www.
Crystal Dreaming is an advanced healing technique that uses the energetic power of crystals for profound healing on physical, emotional and spiritual levels. Using a precise alignment of stones arranged in a powerful crystal grid, you are gently led into an altered state, resulting in a profound shift in consciousness while being safely guided through a very personal shamanic journey. Lauri will share her journey with Crystal Dreaming, and facilitate an abbreviated demonstration session on a volunteer!
Lauri Ingram is a certified Interspiritual Counselor and interfaith minister, companioning people who are feeling a bit lost, feeling unfulfilled and seeking to live authentically by exploring and developing their spiritual life. Grounded in mindful practices, and with over 40 years in corporate life, Lauri is uniquely qualified to understand the stress and challenges of working and living in today's world. Lauri brings extensive experience and training in modalities of crystals and creativity, combined with deep curiosity about her spiritual journey.Tribe TLC is a vibrant and growing community of over 120+ holistic professionals and wellness entrepreneurs who come together for connection, collaboration and support. We are committed to coming together to serve our community with educational and experiential opportunities. Meet, mingle and connect with some amazing people! We offer a world of healthy living resources for body, mind and spirit. TLC Members offer high quality private sessions, products, workshops, classes and events in Fairfield County, CT, New Haven County, CT and Westchester County, NY.
Please RSVP to Beth Leas at 203.856.9566 (call/text) or