Tribe TLC Premium Membership - In-Person & Online
Tribe TLC Premium Membership - In-Person & Online
Enjoy the best of BOTH worlds - Online AND In-Person Tribe TLC Holistic Networking. The TLC Premium Membership gives you access to all our monthly in-person events no matter where we are gathering!
Online Directory Listing
Participate in monthly Networking Events - In-Person or on Zoom
Participate in monthly Business Brainstorm Events on Zoom
Participate in monthly After Hours Community Events In-Person
Access to Members-Only Discounts
Connect in the TLC Members Only FB Group
Participate in TLC Barter Bonanzas (June and December)
Direct links to your web-site on weekly TLC’s emails (over 4,800 on TLC's targeted mailing list)
Monthly 100 word promotional email pieces featuring your service/product
Discounted monthly advertising (30%) with Natural Awakenings in the special Tribe TLC Section
Sponsor new TLC Members and earn 25% towards your TLC Membership Renewal or TLC Membership Upgrade