Ready to reconnect to the Reiki energy?
This is the perfect opportunity specifically designed to provide support for practitioners who are still new to their Reiki practice, or who need to get a jump-start after some time away - or those who are looking for a Reiki re-attunement!
What's better than that?
Whatever level you have been attuned to: Reiki I, II or the Mastership - this afternoon is dedicated to refreshing your knowledge, deepening your experience and rejoining with like-minded Reiki students.
Everyone will receive a re-attunement - and we will enjoy self-Reiki and group healings.
No matter how long it has been since you took your last Reiki workshop, this Reiki Refresher will have you basking in the Reiki energy!
Sunday, October 4th
1pm-3pm $40
To Register: 203.856.9566 or